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GenCon Events!!!

Year 2001

Brought to you by Web Commando

Yes....oh yes...it's almost time for my favorite time of the year...GENCON!!!  This year we've done something scary.  I've decided to completely revamp my classic Dragonlance adventures: "Topknots and Takhisis - Oh My!" and "The Lost Tower of Taladas".  

I know all you Dragonlance fans are saying, "Don't do that.  I never get to be a Kender and I'm itching to sign up for the events!  Please don't change anything!"  Don't fear, I'm only upgrading them to the new D&D 3rd Edition rules and adding some new surprises based on running them at 6 years of conventions.  However, this means the characters are not done and you'll need to check back to see the new characters as GenCon comes closer.  Yes, they'll have skills, feats, and all the things you expect with 3rd Edition.

Check out my descriptions on the 1999 and 2000 event pages for descriptions of these classics.  The stories are the same and you can get an idea of what you're about to get into!

I've added prizes this year! To the best gamers in each of my groups, I'm awarding full copies of all the utilities created by RPGCommando (www.rpgcommando.com).  These include character sheet managers and dice rollers for PocketPC devices (such as Compaq's iPaq).  If you don't have a PocketPC, RPGCommando still offers a number of other gaming utilities for the PC.

Carl Davis

