Music Sample

Top Down Therapy
Lie of Security
Firmware Song
Engineering Song
Midnight Drive
My Time To Shine
Be Mine Today
Sheriff's Lament
Save or Die
Welcome to the Tomb of Horrors - The Fan Song
(Total Party Kill) RPG Song!
Weekend Rockstar
Critical Is What I Need
Role Playing Song!
Play Anything In Your Head!
Savage Worlds RPG Fan Song

About Me


AMP is an effort of a single individual who plays guitar, drums, and reluctantly vocals (with the occasional collaboration). I also enjoy making films for the occasional event or band gig.

I'm not claiming to be a super star or cinematic genius and recognize many of my own limitations but I enjoy writing music that allows me to express my thoughts, concerns, and desires.

I started this effort around 2006 as I was learning more guitar to augment my drumming and have steadily improved and grown over the years.

I really enjoy writing music for my teams at work and projects too. It's kind of my thing to show how much I appreciate what the team's do!

Check out rock music for RPGs! Listen Now!

Carl Carl Carl